Dr. Poramate Manoonpong is an Associate Professor of embodied AI & robotics at the Maersk Mc Kinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark. His central research agenda is “to understand how brain-like mechanisms including biomechanics (embodiment) can be realized in artificial agents (like biologically-inspired robots) so they can become more like living creatures in their level of performance". As author or coauthor, he has published over 100 publications in major scientific journals such as Nature Physics, IEEE Trans. Cybern., PLoS Comput. Biol, Scientific Reports. He has been PI and co-PI of 12 funded projects. Recently, he has received the 1000 Talents Plan project under the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals of China. He serves on Vice-Chairman of the Youth Commission of ISBE, an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neurorobotics), the editorial board of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), (Topic: Bioinspired Robotics), and as a program committee member for international conferences and workshops.