6月15日-Experimental investigation of the multi-scale mechanics of ultrathin films and mechanics-guided assembly of functional structures

  报告时间:6月15日 上午9:30


  报告人:曹长宏 助理教授 加拿大麦吉尔大学


  曹长宏,加拿大麦吉尔大学机械系助理教授,加拿大多伦多大学博士,麻省理工学院博士后。主要研究方向为多尺度纳米材料力学、一/二维材料、新型3D打印技术、微机电系统MEMS和微纳转印技术等。他指导成立的麦吉尔大学纳米工厂实验室,致力于通过研究材料在微纳尺度的结构-特性-功能的关系,研发基于纳米材料的器件或生产制造工艺,如基于碳纳米管的微纳转印技术,可在电镜下直接拉伸超薄材料的微机电系统等。主要成果发表在Science AdvancesNano LettersACS Nano等期刊上。


  Continued advances in engineering technologies with increased complexity, enhanced performance and new capabilities, demand novel material systems with unprecedented properties as well as novel manufacturing approaches to accelerate the transfer of lab-scale inventions to the marketplace. Advanced materials, such as nanotubes and nanofilms, were demonstrated to be promising candidates for various applications including energy storage, electronics and transportation vehicles. Before advanced materials-based inventions can be widely applied to everyday life, their mechanical stability needs to be investigated, validated and engineered because it determines their long-term viability in all their applications. Also, by understanding the mechanical behaviors of advanced materials, novel material systems with tailored mechanical properties can be rationally designed for targeted applications. In this talk, I will use graphene oxide as a representative material to showcase the experimental explorations of its multiscale mechanical behaviors from sub-nanometer scale to microscale as well as development of printing technologies for the assembly of functional structures.

